Tuesday 10 September 2013

Ummayad Empire

1. Conquest (710-756 AD) (46 years)

2. Umayyad Empire of Cordoba (756-929 AD) (173 years)

Mosque–Cathedral of Córdoba
The Great Mosque -Aljama- of Cordoba, built during the period of Moorish occupation, is the most splendid Islamic monument in the western world. Its construction commenced in 785, when Abd-ar-Rahman established Cordoba as capital of al-Andalus, on the site of an ancient church dedicated to San Vicente and was extended during successive periods by Abd-ar-Rahman II, Al-Hakam II and Almanzor.


The Alhambra, the complete form of which was Calat Alhambra, is a palace and fortress complex located in GranadaAndalusiaSpain. It was originally constructed as a small fortress in 889 and then largely ignored until its ruins were renovated and rebuilt in the mid 11th century by the Berber king Badis ben Habus of the Kingdom of Granada who built its current palace and walls, and later converted into a royal palace in 1333 by Yusuf I, Sultan of Granada.

3. Umayyad Empire (929-1031 AD) (102 years)

Cristo De La Luz/Bab Al-Mardum 

The Mosque of Cristo de la Luz is a former mosque in Toledo, Spain, the only one of the ten once existing in the city which remains largely as it was in the Moorish period. It was then known as Mezquita Bab-al-Mardum, deriving its name from the city gate Bab al-Mardum. It is located near the Puerta del Sol, in an area of the city once called Medina where wealthy Muslims used to live.


Tucked away on the southwestern edge of the park is Almonaster, one of the least spoilt villages of the Sierra. It has a magnificent hilltop mosque dating from the 10th century situated in amongst the ruins of a castle. The mezquita's mihrab, the prayer niche facing Mecca, is the oldest example of its kind in Spain. Inside the well-restored interior are five naves, the mihrab and many arches supporting the ceiling. Examples of many different building stages, some dating from Roman and Visigoth eras, remain. Next to the mosque is a small bullring, which you can see into by climbing the mosque's minaret.

4. Political Fragmentation (1031-1130 AD) (99 years)

5. Decline and Submission to Christian Rule (1130-1481 AD) (351 years)


The Alcázar of Seville is a royal palace in SevilleSpain, originally a Moorish fort. It is the oldest royal palace still in use in Europe, and it was registered in 1987 by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, along with the Seville Cathedral and the General Archive of the Indies.

Tornerias Mosque

The Tornerias Mosque was constructed in Toledo around 1060. Tornerias, along with the earlier Bab al-Mardum Mosque also in Toledo, is one of a small group of mosques constructed between the tenth and twelfth centuries in Iran, North Africa, and the Iberian Peninsula. The mosques are modest in size and share an unusual square plan, composed of nine vaulted bays supported by columns or piers. Their diminutive size, coupled with the lack of a courtyard, suggests that the mosques served as private oratories. Tornerias is slightly later than the more famous Bab al-Mardum mosque, but like it, is constructed of brick. In contrast to Bab al-Mardum, in which each of the nine bays is ornamented with a different type of brick dome, of Tornerias' nine brick vaults only the central one is decorated. Distinguished by brick ribs which divide it into nine smaller squares, the central bay's diminutive squares in turn are ornamented with five different patterns created from the intersection or other decorative manipulation of brick ribs. 

6. Castile-Aragon Conquers the Kingdom of Granada (1481-1491 AD) (10 years)

7. Aftermath (1491-1616) (124 years)


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