Tuesday 10 September 2013

Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) Personality

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as an exemplary ruler

1. Siddiq (truthfulness)

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) never lies during his life, in a term of speech, intension and action in every path. It has the consistensy between the action and the deeds.

2. Amanah (trustworthiness)

He conveys the message of Islam properly without adding or subtracting on giving the preach. Allah SWT protected him from making mistakes.

3. Tabligh (advocacy)

Allah says in the Qur'an what disqualified a person from becoming a leader.
"...... (Ibrahim) said, "And my offspring (to make leaders)." (Allah) said, "My Covenant (Prophet hood) includes not Zalimun (Polytheis and wrong doers."" - Qur'an, 2-124

4. Fathanah (wisdom)

Understand the strength and weakness of the people by understanding characteristic. During Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), there are a lot of haters, but the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) knows how to face them with patience and wisdom.



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